Free-Standing Pull-Up Bar
Add to wishlist$179.99
If your open floor plan isn’t cutting it for a pull-up bar that goes in the door, a free-standing version is just what you need. This one is light and multi-functional, just adjust the height up or down to rise or dip depending on what muscles you want to challenge.
Amazon Customer –
Materials are high quality steel construction. Assembles/disassembles in minutes and very versatile in terms of the exercise options as compared to other pull up towers. It is a bit wobbly but nothing that shouldn’t be expected. I have used other pull up towers and they were equally wobbly. I bought this looking for something that can be moved around easily and also disassembled quickly and easily and this fits the bill nicely.I must also say the customer service was OUTSTANDING!! When it first arrived the pin holes on a few of the bars didn’t line up correctly. I emailed customer service and had replacements in a few days. Samantha from customer support emailed me several times during the process. It was actual customer service and not just some big box company going through the motions. I was very impressed.
If you search YouTube, there are a number of video reviews for the Pull Up Mate (sold in UK). The GoBeast Pull Up appears to be the same exact product. Both are made in China.For home use, the GoBeast Pull Up is the best option if you’re not able to drill into a wall or ceiling stud to hang a pull up bar. It’s far superior and safer than a doorway pull up bar.I was using a doorway pull up bar until it unexpectedly fell off when the door frame trim ripped off. I injured my back and head when the pull up bar came crashing down. I wasn’t giving up on doing pull ups at home so I did lots of research before deciding to buy the GoBeast Pull Up.There are heavier and sturdier free-standing pull up bars, but they are too bulky and not as portable as the GoBeast Pull-Up. It’s portability is what makes the GoBeast Pull-Up ideal for a small space free-standing pull up bar, i.e., you can quickly disassemble it and store it away when you need the floor space or need to clean the floor.Some of the negative Amazon reviews on the quality of the GoBeast Pull-Up had me worried, but I did not encounter any similar issues.The paint finishing is excellent. The only way the paint is coming off is if you take an axe or some other sharp edge tool and hack at it.The assembly was easy. I did not have to read any instructions since it was obvious how it needed to be assembled when all the pieces were laid out. I had no problems lining up the holes to insert the pins. It took me about 5-minutes to fully assemble the GoBeast Pull Up.There are other similar looking GoBeast Pull Bars on Amazon and other websites that are cheaper. I was tempted to buy the cheaper ones since they all looked the same. I then remembered reading that factory rejects (poor quality) are oftentimes sold at a cheaper price with no brand or with an obscured brand. I decided to pay the few extra dollars and hoped that GoBeast Pull Up had quality control inspectors at the factory to ensure that I was getting the best. I have no complaint about its quality.The GoBeast Pull Up is solidly built with 2-inch thick metal tubing or piping. It is 74-inches or around 6-feet tall (my measurement). I’m 67-inches (5’ 7’) tall and I find the height of the GoBeast Pull Up bar is perfect especially when I want to add extra weight using a dip belt with chain.There are two NEGATIVES with the GoBeast Pull UP:One is that it wobbles. Whenever I use it, I still have the fear that it’s going to topple over. Given its wide base, it’s highly unlikely that it will topple over, but it still feels like it can.The other negative is that the pull up bar is just too thick (2-inches) for me to grip. I wear medium size gloves so my hands aren’t that small. Gloves, chalk, tape, etc. do not help. I can’t do as many pull ups on the GoBeast Pull Up compared to what I can do at my gym with its 1.25-inch pull up bars.I was able to add a 1.25-inch cross bar to the GoBeast Pull Up so I was able to fix this negative. It took many visits to different hardware stores and sporting good stores until I figured out a way to add the 1.25-inch cross bar that would be safe and secure.
Prince –
I’m only writing a review because when I was looking, I couldn’t find one that answered my question from someone like me. Someone who is tall and a Heavy weight! Yes it’s strong enough for us. You’ll have to bend your knees but yes it’s tall enough .So here’s my personal break down.I use it for pull ups , chin ups and neutral grip pulls , inverted rows , dips and deeper push ups . I don’t do all of those other exercises. Just the basics.Prosstrong and easy to assemble.Easy to take apart and store. I( live in a MANHATTAN apartment. So I need my space )Fast delivery / Good priceIt doesn’t wobble much. If you use strict form it doesn’t wobble at all.You can perform pull ups chins and neutral grip.The dip bar is tall .Cons ( All of these are a small sacrifice for what you get )You will need to bend your knees for pull ups. But I’m 6’2″and I have long arms and my knees dont hit the ground even with full extension.You’ll probably need gloves. Your hands may bother you if you’re not used to the raw steel. But simple gloves fit work just fine.If you like circuit work or super sets you’ll have to adjust to not being able to switch from pull ups to dips fast.The bag doesn’t seem to be super sturdy but so far it’s working.I only had this for less than a month so I’ll be back to update if I have issues down the line but so far I love it. Strongly recommend!P.S. I didn’t receive any incentive for this review.. But I should because I’m sure my review is going to help a lot of people since I mostly see small people writing reviews lol .
Phillip Lam –
Good if you need a portable setup
Cons:- there is a bit of wobble as others mentioned, but the wobble will lessen if you have good form- assembling the frame will sometimes “scrap” the paint off the pieces (during the first few assembles)Pros:This didn’t bother me as much since this checks out everything I was looking for:- portable setup (really nice for those who don’t want to hang a doorframe pull-up bar or buy those massive stations)- simple design- can allow me to train front/back levers and ring holds comfortably
Alvar Lopez –
Buena compra
Llevo unos meses usándolo, al principio tenía miedo por la estabilidad pero después de un tiempo de hacer los ejercicios supongo tengo mejor control y ya no siento que tiemble. No he notado que se dañe por el uso y parece bastante resistente para lo que hago (dominadas y dips), es un poco complicado de desmontar si no lo desarmas de modo simétrico pero igual, es cuestión de acostumbrarse al proceso.
アガベ –
Steve W –
Reasonable easy to assemble/disassemble
I am glad I purchased this. Sturdy enough for expertise, but easy to disassemble.
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