Color Coordinated Push Up Training System
Add to wishlist$59.99
Push yourself to new extremes with a color-coded board to guide you. You’ll shred more than your biceps and triceps. The push up exercises this board will guide you through are designed to target your whole upper body and abs.
Shpwrck –
An Ideal Push up Platform. Very well set up and has comfortable hand grips. Excellent laminated exercise information sheet. This is a game changer.
Amazon Customer –
The quality of the materials is pretty high for the price paid. However, get a $2 pair of cheap leather gardening gloves and wear them when working out with this. The handles are made from rugged plastic and sweat from your work out can interfere with your grip. Far better to wear the gloves using this. The product does exactly what it says. Pushups are probably the number one, most effective muscle building and functional strength exercise there is. They work all the muscles of the front and abdominal core, more effectively than anything else…..making this exercise far more important than anything else you do to train. How you grip, changes the emphasis, although it always works all muscle groups of the anterior chain. Using this board prevent cheating and incorrect muscle recruitment that could lead to joint injury. More importantly, it allows you to work harder parts of the chain that are weaker than the rest. This is desirable from both a physique standpoint and from a functional one (you are only as strong as the weakest muscles in the chain). The device comes with a reasonably knowledgeable workout program and course. However, there are better ways to do cardio and pylometrics. What the course doesn’t know is that this device is ideal for doing isometrics. Even if you can’t do a single pushups, simply holding the position halfway, will rapidly build up the muscles needed, even in the most weak and feeble. One pushup quickly becomes two. Unlike weight lifting, this way of exercise tends to cause rapid development, especially combined with other functional muscle development. Probably the best, most accessible book on this is Pushing Yourself to Power, by John E. Peterson. With the right knowledge and a handful of simple tools (like this one), you will get far better results than any gym. Another good investment is an adjustable height, simple pull up bar. Often difficult to find, Amazon has a seller for these which are both of quality and take up little space (mine I have straddling my treadmill and I simply lower it a bit when I need to use it). This simple bar is the most effective device for working the posterior chain of your back. Eventually, you will want to do pullups, but again, unless you are a 150 pound waif, pullups are something you have to work up to. Isometrics are the way to go with this. Peterson has a great Youtube clip demonstrating this and also demonstrating what you will look like a year or two after exercising this way. Another good device is a abdominal wheel. Unless you are already ripped, for God’s sake, get the expensive one that has a spring that stores force as you roll out and then uses it to aid coming back up. No exercise is more effective (or more demanding) on the abs. These simple tools fit on most people’s homes and are effective and cheap.
myafed2900 –
This thing really works ive been using it for about a month now i really want to write this. i weight 255 , 5,11 so im a big guy muscular but still overweight trying to get back on shape. and i think incorporating thos in my workouts is gonna play a big role.- Equipment Build – Handles feel sturdy and resistant , luke other reviewers said are made if metal cover with strong plastic. they feel heavy and im sure can take a beating. platform is plastic but strong and suported my 255 weight and i got 2x 45 lbs plates aded on my back to test so that was 300 lbs !!! no problem at all.- exersices- i love the fixed positions and the color coding for the diferent type of exersices , is very convenient not having to figure out positions, space between hands etc. The positions are good and well set, eventho i dont recomend the doing or using the “back exersices positions” but chest , triceps and even shoulders with this are fenomenal and efective.-role in program- well this piece of equipment ill say fit in everybodys program and routine.a must for crossfit ppl , bodybuilders on cutting or bulking season , the variation , and convenience this give you make it so easy to incorporate in workouts.- Power Press vs Regular Push Ups- this is without a doubth a better , easier and more efective than push ups , -the handles and thick and more confortable than the palms on the floor -you can set the handles in many diferent positions very dificult or imposible with normal push ups targeting muscles in diferent ways and angles. also can be set to simulate normal bench press bar position helping improve your bench press. – Since the handles are raised you can achive certain level of deepness thats very important something you cannot do with normal flat on floor push ups. – For some people with slim wrist pushups can cause stress , pain and be unconfortable on the wrist , not as much with this handles it feels normal like lifting the bar or dumbells – my experience i can do aprox 25% more reps using this vs doing normal pushups.ConclusionThis is a fine piece of equipment i recomend it to everyone. No matter your fitness level or goals. Effective and deliver results ( my chest , tris and shoulders are so sore lol) . You will be missing out without this in your arsenal.
F. Denry –
I have been using this product for several months before posting this review.The board is sturdy, easy to assemble or to take apart. The handles fit easily in the board’s holes and make for perfect positions for working various parts of the body. There is no guess work as to where you have to position your hands to work your upper, mid or lower chest, shoulders, back and triceps. The video is very well done and the interval training works both your heart and lungs, with great plyometric and abdominal exercises. Good pointers on movements and body position’s variations to work shoulders or to go from beginner, mid level or advances workout.Since I am in my late 50’s, I have to do a longer warm-up and stretching/cool down periods to prevent injuries and I recommend all beginners or older people to do the same. This is a hard program for beginner or older exercise enthusiasts but with realistic expectations and progression, I saw progresses beyond my expectations. I like free weight resistance exercises to prevent injuries especially when I am working out alone.Body builders will want weights for faster progress but if you are only looking for more definition, better cut of the upper body, this is a great product when used regularly and the body plan included with the kit, gives your the proper frequency for workout, recovery and when to move up to the next level.I would recommend this product. Reading some reviews, I want to stress I didn’t encounter a problem with the DVD but I made a copy of it that I am using for my workouts, keeping the original free of potential arm.
Excelente articulo, ya lo probé, me parece una excelente opción para ejercitarse en casa.
El articuló llego antes del tiempo estimado, con una leve ruptura en una de las esquinas, en fin, nada que no se pueda pegar con algún buen pegamento. Por lo demás, lo recomiendo ampliamente.
Scuba Steve –
Good for at home workouts
Quality seems good, I like having the different stances for targetting different muscle groups. One improvement would be showing users where to position their body over the board. Example, when using the “shoulder” pegs you have a natural tendency to position your shoulders directly above but that removes the emphasis on shoulders.Otherwise, great product for pushup based workouts.
Thomas B. –
Nach fast 2 Jahren immer begeistert!
Ich habe dieses Gerät seit nun fast 2 Jahren und kann daher sagen, dass es sich um ein wertiges Qualitätsprodukt handelt. Es gibt keinen sicht- oder merkbaren Verschleiß, die Griffe sitzen wie am ersten Tag und ein effizientes Training ist möglich. Ein Unterschied der beanspruchten Muskelpartien (farblich markiert) ist spürbar, sodass mit diesem Gerät die Schultern, die Brust, der Trizeps sowie der Rücken direkt trainiert werden können. WeitereHilfsmuskeln wie Bizeps und auch die Bauchmuskeln (Muskelkater!) machen sich nach einem ausgiebigen Training deutlich bemerkbar. Was das “lose” Stecksystem betrifft: Es stimmt zwar, dass die Griffe tatsächlich nicht einrasten oder ähnlich “verankert” werden, dies ist jedoch bei der normalen Trainingsroutine, bei der man schließlich mit seinem Körpergewicht auf den Griffen aufliegt, absolut kein Problem und wirkt sich hierbei nicht negativ auf das Training auf.Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist der zugehörige Youtube-Kanal, der durch eine kurze Suche (Power Press Push-Up) schnell zu finden ist und einige Traingsroutinen bereithält.Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung für jeden, der Liegestütztraining handgelenkschonend und effizient durchführen möchte!
Reader –
Looks gimmicky at first, but it really does work
I was shopping for a push up bar (to protect my wrists when doing press-ups) when I came across this thing and I was sceptical first, as it looks very much like the type of junk they sell on tv shopping channels, and £60 sounded like a lot for a plastic board. But after watching a few Youtube reviews, I took the plunge.The reviews are all true. This thing is amazing. I’ve been going to the gym for 3 years now, working out at least 3 times a week, and this thing delivered quicker results in a few weeks than all the fancy equipment at the gym. There is just something about having to push your own body weight against gravity that is somehow more natural than even free weights. I will definitely keep using this when the gym reopens after the lockdown.Yes, it is plastic, but some kind of a heavy duty special plastic, super hard and strong. Indeed, the first thing you’ll notice how heavy the package is, when it arrives. It is a big thing, but it needs to be, to be able to hold your weight and to do wide-enough push-ups, e.g. for the back. There are cheaper knockoffs out there, but looking at them after having used this one, they look ridiculously small. This one is just the right size, and it allows for a wide range of exercises.I’ve been following the Power Press Youtube exercises, still at the introductory level, but after having used it 13 times, I can already see the difference (especially the shoulders, which I just couldn’t improve at the gym), and I console myself that it only cost me £4.61 per workout so far, pretty much what a gym session would have cost.
Leonardo –
Solido e Ben fatto
Ho sfruttato durante questo periodo il prodotto e devo dire che è molto ben fatto, solido e le maniglie sono robuste e ben fatte (io peso quasi 100Kg), dunque per me ne vale la pena.